In the Gospel reading, some Greeks approach Philip and say, “Sir, we should like to see Jesus.” It is clear from all four Gospels that Jesus’ reputation spread quickly and all sorts of people were attracted to him and went out of their way in order to meet him, including sinners, outcasts and foreigners.
Surely, as we continue on our journey of faith, the request of the Greeks is one that we should be making all the time: “We should like to see Jesus.” The prophet Jeremiah in fact predicts a time when people will no longer have to say, “Learn to know the Lord,” because they will have come to know God and experienced his forgiveness.
There are still two weeks of Lent left and still opportunities to “see Jesus” in the Sacrament of Confession, on Saturday mornings, before the two weekend Masses, and at the Reconciliation Service on Tuesday 26 March.
Then Holy Week itself offers profound opportunities to “see Jesus” as we commemorate the Institution of the Eucharist on Maundy Thursday, Christ’s Passion and Death on Good Friday, and his glorious Resurrection at the Easter Vigil Mass on Saturday and Easter Sunday Masses. I urge you to make the most of these opportunities.
God bless, Fr Kevin.